⚜️ .Lyvrich - Unnamed Pattern 88 Lyvrich, d'Elegance, Handpainted Porcelain, Gilded Dior, Ormolu, Potiche Vase on Plinth, Trophy Cup #2, Immense Statement Centerpiece, 21.67t X 11.74w X 8.43d, 6372 Lyvrich d'Elegance, Crackle Porcelain and Gilded Dior Ormolu | Potiche Vase on Plinth | Trophy Cup # Standard Retail Price: Was: Now: NT$54,200.95
⚜️ .Lyvrich - Unnamed Pattern 88 Lyvrich, d'Elegance, Porcelain, Gilded Dior, Ormolu, European Potiche Jar, Covered Statement Urn, Enormous Centerpiece, 21.67t X 16.55w X 9.85d, 6373 Lyvrich d'Elegance, Porcelain and Gilded Dior Ormolu | European Potiche Jar | Covered Statement Urn Standard Retail Price: Was: Now: NT$70,867.06